Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Things I have learned as a stay-at-home dad:

* All those people who say "there's never a dull moment" are full of shit. There are tons of dull moments. Reading your toddler the same book for the 10th time is a dull moment. Picking up yet another pile of dumped blocks/crayons/buttons/cheerios is a dull moment. Cleaning the same parts of the same tiny house day in and day out are dull moments. After a while you want to gouge out the mushy remnants of your brain with one of your spotlessly clean forks.

* The people who urge you to appreciate every moment are also full of shit. As much as you love your kids, you can't focus on them 100% of the time without killing your own soul in the process. And you're going to need that soul soon because, as those same people will tell you, they grow up fast. If you focus all your energy on your kids to the point that you lose yourself, you'll turn into one of those parents who tries to intervene when Junior gets a bad grade in college. Don't be one of those parents. Your sense of self is vital.

* Your relationship is also vital. Unless it's a life or death situation, always put your spouse/partner before your kids. Always. Model the kind of relationship you want them to have someday. You want the have a happy long term relationship/marriage, right? Make sure you have one, and they'll follow suit.

* Ignore your kids sometimes. Let siblings learn to work out their problems without your intervention. Let singletons learn to entertain themselves without your direction. These are important life skills.

* Small children desperately want to murder themselves. Believe it or not, it's your job to let them try. Don't let the actually do it, but the learning process is important, even when they get hurt. Maybe especially when they get hurt.

* Homeschoolers: don't get so wrapped up in your lesson plans that you don't let your kids do whatever the fuck they want for at least an hour or two every single day. They need free play even more than they need lessons.

* And so do you. Do whatever the fuck you want while they do the same. Put down the broom and sponge, and play. Some with them, and some without them. See the "sense of self" section above.

* Take it outside. All of you, every day, all year. Yes, even in the snow. Fresh air is good for them and you. Feeling housebound is definitely not good for them or you.

* Turn everything off, even the radio. Silence really is golden. Bonus: they'll be calmer, and nap better.

* Even on the bad days, do appreciate being with them, as much as you can. You can't enjoy every moment, but try to enjoy a few moments each day. Record some of them, in photos or a journal. They really won't last.