Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Little things

We have heat! On our second try (the first was too big) we have bought and installed a wall mounted propane heater (well, Mutt installed it), and it is wonderful! All we have to do is set it at 60, and let it work. The house stays warm all night, so I don't have to spend hours huddled by the woodstove in the morning, trying to get the fire going and the house warm. In the evenings, Mutt doesn't have to spend his few free hours hauling and chopping wood. Junebug doesn't have to stay bundled up all the time, which always made it so much harder for her to play (you try to hold a crayon while wearing mittens).  Every bit of progress here makes such a big difference.

It's funny, though - I have conflicting feelings. Some of our reasons for coming here were to reduce our bills, provide for our own needs, and wean off fossil fuels. Our new heater is lovely, but it sends us backwards on all three goals. Is the convenience worth the trade-off? The heater is in, so the choice has been made, but I'm still not sure.

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