Wednesday, July 16, 2014


Yesterday was my birthday. I am officially in my mid-thirties. As a birthday gift to myself, I am buckling down and working on my health for the next month. I have been 80/20 paleo for a long time, but lately I have been slipping, and my health has suffered a bit as a result. Looking in the mirror the other day, I noticed how much the shape of my arms has changed as a result of the testosterone. But the rest of me - not so much. I'm at an age that no longer allows a poor diet or sedentary lifestyle. Time to get moving.

My diet isn't terrible. I eat healthy fats, meat, eggs, and dairy, all from pastured animals. There are far more vegetables in my diet than the average American eats. But I still consume far more sourdough bread than I should, and I've been known to have a pizza and beer night now and then. So for the next month, I'll be detoxing with the Whole30 plan. It's a more-paleo-than-paleo, 100% clean eating diet, for 30 days. I'll be modifying it in just one way - by adding pastured raw dairy, which I tolerate just fine. I have a bit of weight to lose, and I'm hoping Whole30 will help with that. It should also improve my health in general.

In addition to losing a few pounds, I need to work on building muscle and improving my endurance. To that end, I'll be starting the Mutu System, doing some extra push-ups and dips, and walking at least a half hour a day. I'd like to run again, but I'll have to wait and see how my ankles and knees tolerate the walking first.

So, let's call this day one. I'll be using this blog for accountability.

Breakfast: two cups greens beans, one cup chicken, sauteed in lard. Black coffee.

Lunch: large salad with crumbled raw milk cheese, evoo, and balsamic vinegar. A few swigs of unflavored full fat kefir.

Dinner: stir-fry of golden beets, garlic scapes, beet greens, and sausage.

I've done some push-ups, gone for my daily walk, and am about to do my nightly Mutu.

So far so good.

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